Saturday, February 29, 2020

Behaviour Modification and Cognitive Processes of Learning

Behaviour Modification and Cognitive Processes of Learning Pillay Sheryl Amanda Ballen    I will be discussing some important procedures which enable learning. Each and every human being learns any kind of behavior during their life span. There is no human being on earth who does not undergo the process of learning. There are various learning methods through which we obtain beliefs, approaches and skills (Skinner, 1971, cited in Ryckman,2013, p. 361) Here we shall discuss the principles of learning and their uses in daily life. I would like to also demonstrate how behavior modification compares with cognitive processes of learning. Learning What we mean when we say the word â€Å"learning†, we normally mean â€Å"thinking using the brain†. These concepts of learning are the central perspective in the Cognitive Learning Theory (CLT). Mental processes can be explained, as they are predisposed by both internal and external factors, which gradually bring about learning. Cognitive Learning Theory suggests that the differen t procedures regarding learning can be described by examining the mental processes first. It suggests that with actual cognitive processes, learning is simpler and new material can be placed in the memory for a long time. However, ineffective cognitive processes affect learning complications which can be seen in a person. Social Cognitive Theory (SLT) There are three variables in social cognitive theory, which are interconnected with each other, for learning to happen, which consist of: Personal factors Environmental factors Behavior factors An individual’s environmental interaction, beliefs, ideas and mental skills are influenced by outside factors such as a caring or uncaring parent, disturbing or healthy environment or a very hot or humid climate. The mental process in a person is affected by his behavior, and environmental interaction, which can also alter the way he thinks. One’s behavior can disturb and change the environment in which he or she lives in. Basic co ncepts of social learning are: Observational Learning Is a form of learning from other people, by means of observing their behavior in an effective way in order to gain knowledge and change behavior. Reproduction Is the method wherein there is a goal to successfully escalate the repeating of a behavior by means of changing the environment to a safer and more comfortable on , within reachable proximate, and to encourage him to remember the new information and behavior learned and to exercise them. Self-efficacy Is the way a person uses the newly learnt knowledge or behavior which he has learnt. Emotional coping is a good coping devices used against demanding environments and negative personal appearances can lead to operational learning, especially in adults Self – regulatory capability is the capability to regulator the behavior even within a negative environment. Classical and operant conditioning are two vital perceptions significant to behavioral psychology. Whil e both result in learning, the procedure is quite different. To understand how each of these behavior modification methods can be used, it is also important to understand how classic conditioning and operant conditioning differ from one another. Classic Conditioning Was developed by the Russian scientist Ivan Pavlov, classic conditioning is the first type of learning wherein an organism responds to an environmental stimulus. Pavlov (1927) observed that in classic conditioning, the stimulus (S) triggers the response (R) of an organism. Within the exposure of the organism to the stimulus, reflex(Hermans, 2006, cited in Weiten, 2014, p. 232).

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Audio Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Audio Culture - Essay Example In those days, radio content was most based on speech programming later by the introduction of Television media radio diverted its major entertainment towards musical programming (Crook, 2011). The purpose of this paper is to analyze different radio texts to present a discourse by evaluating the social, cultural, political and economic contexts. Four different audio programs have been selected for the analysis of radio based on programming, production, audience and cultural context. The analysis will be categorized broadly into Conversation Analysis and Discourse Analysis focusing on a use of music, sound, text and technology in different sorts of programs by different presenters. Conversation Analysis is defined as a method of analyzing the audio or video tapes for discovering how the participants of the conversation in the audio understand each other’s points and respond accordingly with the main focus on generation of sequences of action (Wooffitt, 2005). Or in other words the purpose of Conversation Analysis is to reveal the tactic reasoning procedures and sociolinguistic capabilities triggering the production and evaluation of the audio conversation in an organized sequence of interaction (Hutchby, 2006). Discourse Analysis or Critical Discourse Analysis is a method of understanding how social power (radio) is used or abused in relation with spoken or written languages. The method particularly focuses on studying the dialectal relationship with the discourse aspect of the social practices and the structure of society (Tolson, 2006). It is a news show presented by Victoria Derbyshire. The show includes news on social and cultural issues, political news and sports news in the United Kingdom and all around the world. Based on the conversation analysis the presenters interact with each other only when it’s necessary, like to hand over the conversation from one person to another. The news show is led by Victoria Derbyshire dominantly as she goes

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Partnership for sexual health promotion in adolescent Essay

Partnership for sexual health promotion in adolescent - Essay Example The partnership approach is appropriate to PHC as it focuses on active involvement and self-care actions of individuals and community members in maintaining health and preventing disease. To adequately address sexual health promotion among adolescents, it is vital that a partnership gets fostered between community based organizations- CBO’s, schools, health practitioners, and health facilities. The ever-decreasing resources has made healthcare to become expensive for most individuals and communities. Focus has shifted to individuals and communities to partake in their own prevention, maintenance, and promotion of health. The partnership approach is vital in promoting self-care action and the active involvement of individuals and communities in their own health promotion (Courtney et al, 1996). The partnership model seeks at bringing together different stakeholders for the sole purpose of promoting health. The partnership model emphasizes the formation of a new working relation ship between the various stakeholders to promote health. The stakeholders involved in the promotion of health within a community include; CBO’s, health practitioners such as nurses, health facilities such as clinics, and schools. To effectively promote sexual health, there is need to foster a partnership between these various stakeholders so as to develop a working relationship between them. Partnerships allow for definition of problems, setting priorities, designing solutions, and defining leadership roles among the partners. All partners need to be actively involved in the process of health promotion. Changes occurring in health care delivery have called for new models motivated by leadership organizations. The partnership model originated from the recommendation of lay-professional partnerships that call for active participation of community members and not their passive participation (Bernal et al, 2004). Partnerships ensure that communities get to participate in achievin g health by supporting self-care, community self-reliance, and developmental changes. The partnership model seeks at enhancing capabilities and empowerment of communities and individual to act on their own in health promotion. The partnership model proposes that professionals should support the community and individuals to take effective action by themselves to promote health (Courtney et al, 1996). The partnership model describes the partners as active participants who get involved with the process of mutually determining actions and goals that promote health and well-being. The main goal of the partnership process is to encourage the capacity of individual and community partners to act more effectively on their own. The partnership process calls for special commitment and responsibility among member partners. There are several steps in developing a partnership process. The steps involved include; exploring potential partners, inviting partners, and finally undertaking partnership action. Adolescent sexual health in the US gets characterized by alarming rates of sexually transmitted infections- STI’s (Irwin, 1997). A more holistic and ecological approach is necessary to promote sexual health among adolescents in the country. This approach focuses on non-traditional partnerships between